Travel to Turkmenistan: Top 8 Things to Do and See

Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan? Why choose, Ready Four Travel discover the two countries with rich history during a brand new tour of Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan. On the occasion of the launch of this new trip, we would like to make you discover the Top 8 wonders of this still mysterious country: Turkmenistan.

1. Ashgabat: the white city with monumental architecture


Although the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat has suffered dark hours during its history, this has allowed it to build a tourist heritage unprecedented for a country that remains away from tourist flows.

Indeed, the capital experienced a tragic earthquake in 1948 that resulted in the death of more than 100,000 of its inhabitants, which is more than the terrible atomic bomb that ravaged Nagasaki. The city has erected a monument in honor of its victims, the “Earthquake Memorial”. This monument is an example of a country that is increasingly dedicated to the construction of imposing buildings.

Following the collapse of the USSR, the first Turkmen president became the head of urban planning and the architect of the city, white marble buildings, palaces, and parks of several tens of hectares were born… One of the main sights of the city is the Arch of Neutrality, from which there is an unobstructed view of Independence Square and its Presidential Palace, the park of the Ten Years of Independence… Not to be missed: The National Museum, 3 floors high, you will learn more about the history of the country.

One of the prides of the city remains the Ertugrul Gazi mosque, located in the heart of the city, it was erected in honor of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire. The spectacular architecture of the latter, surrounded by 4 minarets, echoes the great Blue Mosque of Istanbul.

Do not hesitate to devote 2 to 3 days to the discovery of the Turkmen capital.

2. The gate of hell, or the crater of Darvaza

gate of hell, or the crater of Darvaza

How to go to Turkmenistan without having seen one of the main curiosities of the country: the gate of hell. This site located 3 hours from the capital, in the desert Kara-Koum, is unique in the world. Result of an industrial accident, this unusual place attracts every year a number always more important of tourists come to Turkmenistan to admire this unusual wonder.

It is in 1971 that the crater of Darvaza ignites, during a Soviet mining prospecting. The Turkmen soil being a real natural gas reservoir, the Soviet geologists had planned to start a drilling operation.

But all the equipment was buried during an accidental drilling of the underground cavity: although there was no victim, the basement let escape a significant quantity of methane. The inhabitants living in the vicinity were quickly relocated and to avoid the risk of explosion and to minimize atmospheric pollution, the geologists undertook to burn the gas fumes. Although they guaranteed that the burning would only last a week, it has not stopped burning almost half a century later, night and day.

This incredible burning makes this place the most mysterious in the whole country where it is possible to see flames burning at a depth of more than 20 meters. The surrounding landscape reinforces the atmosphere of mystery and the inexplicable feeling that each visitor feels since the site is surrounded on both sides by the Kara-Koum desert.

3. Nisa: time travel to the Parthian Empire

nisa turkmenistan
Photo Credit : UNESCO

Take a trip back in time and visit the ruins of the archaeological site of Nisa. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2007, the ruins of the fortress of the Parthian Empire date back 2,300 years. Nisa was the capital of this empire that dominated Central Asia. The ruins and remains of the fortress, which still exist today, bear witness to the important role of the city and the empire in economic and political terms.

The ancient fortress was the residence of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty (from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD). Its architecture was a harmonious blend of Greek and Roman traditions, but there was no similarity with the fortresses of Central Asia. Excavations have brought to light mausoleums, various temples, and other buildings.

4. Discovering the legendary weaving of Turkmen carpets

turkmenistan carpet

Turkmen carpets are known all over the world for their incredible quality and the traditions of handmade weaving. A true symbol of the country and traditionally of red color, the ornaments of the latter are even represented on the Turkmen flag.

The art of the carpets in Turkmenistan finds its origin in the III and IV centuries B.C. from that time archaeological research has proved that the Turkmen carpets were exported to a wide part of Europe and very appreciated by the Roman emperors. Centuries later, Marco Polo described them as “the most beautiful and finest in the world”.

To learn more, go to Ashgabat, to the Turkmen Carpet Museum, where you will discover the art of carpet weaving, as well as their history, but you will also see priceless carpets of monumental size, some of which reach several hundred square meters.

5. Merv, an ancient city on the Silk Road

photo credit : UCL

Listed as a World Heritage Site since 1999, Merv was a legendary city, an essential stop on the Silk Road. The history of the city was full of twists and turns: first, the center of the Parthian kingdom, then a real book center under the arrival of the Arabs, to be destroyed during the invasion by Genghis Khan.

Many of the archaeological finds unearthed during excavations are now on display in the Merv Historical Museum.

6. Akhal-Téké or the golden hair

akhal teke horse
photo credit : equipedia

Turkmen horses are also one of the main pride of the country. Symbol of pride and virility, the Akhal-Teke is an ancient saddle horse breed originating from Central Asia. The main characteristics of this breed of horses are their great speed, endurance, and robustness. But what makes this breed truly unique and what made it world famous is its golden highlights.

Their fine and solid morphology is explained by the harsh environment, in permanent contact with the desert, between cold nights and excessively hot days.

What very few people know is that these horses were used as war horses by the Scythians, Parthians, and Turkmen warriors until 1950.

Although this exceptional breed almost disappeared in the 1950s, due to the end of normalization and the massive arrival of motorization, the horses were saved by a few breeders.

Nowadays, the Akhal-Teke is the national emblem of Turkmenistan as well as the carpets.

7. Kounia-Ourguentch, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

To visit Kounia-Ourguentch is to feel the greatness of a city that is several thousand years old. When you go there, you will see ruins and vestiges dating from the different eras that the city, the former capital of Khorezm, has known.

First flourishing and prosperous, Kounia-Ourguentch was the center of the Muslim world during the 11th and 12th centuries thanks to its large number of mosques, madrasas, and bazaars. The invasion by Genghis Khan in 1221 put an end to this flourishing period. The city was partly destroyed and then rebuilt to become part of the Golden Horde and became again the capital of Khorezm and one of the main trading cities of the whole of Central Asia. However, this was not enough as the city was destroyed once again.

Nowadays, if you go to Kounia-Uguentch, although most of the monuments are buried under the ground and disappeared, it is still possible to admire some ruins, such as minarets, madrasas, mausoleums, and other ruins of fortresses. The city is classified in the world heritage of UNESCO.

A stay in Turkmenistan cannot end without the discovery of this ancient prosperous city.

8. Turkmenistan, one of the most closed countries in the world


Turkmenistan is a country were still very few tourists dare to venture, this is explained by the fact that it is one of the most closed countries in the world. But isn’t it the goal of every traveler to go there, where others don’t dare? To go beyond the beaten track? To be the only tourist among the locals?

Turkmenistan is a neutral country, like Switzerland for example, it is the only CIS country to have chosen this status, so the allies or enemies of the country are not outside the territory but rather inside, friends or enemies of the president. The latter Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow is at the head of the country since 2006 and is the 2nd president of the country since the fall of the USSR.

He defines himself as the “Arkadag”, in other words, the Protector. He seeks to represent a whole for his people and although the current political regime is described as a dictatorship, it is evolving towards a slight political democracy.

The average Turkmen salary is 150 euros per month, but the authorities boast that with this each inhabitant can buy up to 1,128 kilos of bread, 65 kilos of meat, 270 kilos of sugar, or 643 liters of milk. Since 1993, the state has provided the population with free electricity, natural gas, and running water. In addition, each inhabitant is entitled to 500 grams of salt and 150 liters of gasoline free of charge every month.

But where do we stand between myth and reality? Although this is true, not all inhabitants can claim this meager salary, for this, it is necessary to have a high social status. Moreover, the contrast is quite marked when you look at the political rights and freedom of expression which are often absent outside the capital.

But from a tourist point of view, the locals will always be happy to meet travelers curious to discover a country like Turkmenistan, to welcome them in their homes and to offer them a cup of tea or to make them taste the local dishes. Intriguing as well as mysterious, this country will know how to delight the curiosity of travelers in search of originality and pure change of scene!

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