4 Best Things To Discover in Jemaa El Fna Square

photo credit: Alberto Levorato

The Jemaa el Fna square is one of the main tourist centers of the Medina of Marrakech (the historical district of the city), and certainly one of the most famous places in Morocco. Here are the main aspects of this square that you must discover.

In the past, the Jemaa el Fna square, whose name means “assembly of the dead”, was a place of justice where sentences were publicly applied and the nailed heads of criminals were ostensibly exposed. Fortunately, this place has changed since then!

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001, this square welcomes every year more than a million tourists who appreciate the friendly atmosphere. However, this area is not only touristy: it also welcomes many locals who sell and buy products at the souks .

1- The artistic culture so singular in Marrakech

artistic culture in Marrakech
photo credit: Francois Magne

Jemaa el Fna square is a real rallying point for all the street artists of the city. Many open-air shows take place here, featuring unique characters: acrobats, storytellers, snake charmers, Berber musicians, public writers, and fire-eaters. The atmosphere changes constantly, at every hour of the day and night, while the performances follow one another and the artists take turns.

Nevertheless, beware of phobic people: the monkeys of this place are not very shy, they do not hesitate to cling to the tourists and steal their things…

2- The view of the Koutoubia mosque and its magnificent gardens

Koutoubia mosque
photo credit: Blaz Purnat

The minaret of Koutoubia, the largest building in Marrakech and the highest point of the city (69 m high), is a landmark of choice for many tourists. Also called the “mosque of the booksellers”, this temple reveals exceptional and perfectly preserved architecture whose construction dates back to the Middle Ages.

However, the entrance to the mosque is forbidden to non-Muslims: you have to be satisfied with admiring it from the outside and take the opportunity to walk in the sumptuous surrounding gardens.

3- The festive atmosphere of traditional souks

souk Marrakech
photo credit: Taillepied Sebastien

After discovering the artistic life of Jemaa el Fna, make way for the souks. These street markets, very popular in Morocco, are a unique meeting place and the perfect opportunity to make good deals. You can find clothes, carpets, spices of all kinds, or even more surprising: dentures! Negotiation is a real institution here, a game in which shopkeepers and customers proudly play, although the prices offered are very affordable.

Once the sun goes down, the nightstands are set up in a flash. A real sensory show takes place where the subdued lights of the stalls, the spicy scents of the kitchens, and the oriental sounds of the folkloric instruments meet.

4- treasures of the local gastronomy

Morrocan tea
photo credit: Imane Bouziane

After a long day of sightseeing, what could be better than a good typical Marrakech meal? The Jemaa el Fna square is full of restaurants, tea rooms and other street food stands. For example, you can enjoy gazelle horns or chebakia (local pastries), accompanied by traditional mint tea, on the terrace of the Grand Balcony of the Café Glacier which offers a panoramic view of Jemaa el Fna. You will also find couscous and tagine on the menu of many restaurants.

Finally, during your stay in Marrakech, you will surely get lost in the souks which are full of curiosities, dried fruits, snail broths, and sheep heads, and you will probably end up succumbing to the orange juices squeezed in front of your eyes, perfect to refresh yourself under the hot Moroccan sun.

The secret here: let yourself be guided.

Bonus: our tips for making the most of your stay in Marrakech

So that your trip to Marrakech doesn’t turn into a nightmare, here are some practical tips concocted by the editors.

What is the best time of the year to visit Marrakech and Jemaa el Fna?

To avoid the crowds and the scorching heat of the Moroccan summer, it’s best to visit Marrakech outside the summer season.

At what time should I go to Jemaa el Fna?

If you want to go to Jemaa el Fna, you should go in the morning or the evening because some shops are closed in the afternoon. The ambient temperature is also more pleasant.

How do address the merchants of the Jemaa el Fna square?

To be polite, start by saying “salam Alaykum” when you address the local merchants. Most of them speak French or English.

What to avoid in Jemaa el Fna?

First of all, if you have a phobia of snakes, skip it. Many trainers of royal cobras will try to attract your attention.

Finally, beware of all kinds of scams. Here is how to avoid them:

  • fake guides” often try to charge overpriced rides to lost tourists: ask the shopkeepers for directions instead
  • some “fresh” fruit juice stands cut their drink with water: ask them to show you how to squeeze the fruit
  • animal trainers charge for the pictures you take: avoid taking pictures, or try to negotiate a price

Housing near Jemaa el Fna Square

The Jemaa el Fna square is located in the heart of Medina, the historic center of Marrakech. This old city with its almost thousand-year-old architecture is full of real heritage treasures such as the Bahia Palace, the Medersa Ben Youssef school, and the mysterious Secret Garden of the Medina. The authentic aspect of Medina and its cultural richness make this sector one of the most famous among tourists.

This tourist area has many accommodations at various prices, close to all amenities.

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