Category Africa

Best 10 Dream Places in Zanzibar


Zanzibar… This destination makes us all dream. Between its beautiful landscapes, cultural mix, and magnificent beaches, this small island on the east coast of Africa is an actual corner of paradise. You will love its unique and authentic atmosphere, where…

Discover The Blue City of Chefchaouen in Morocco


Chefchaouen is a beautiful village perched at an altitude of 600 meters in the Rif mountains in northeastern Morocco. Built on a mountainside, it fascinates thousands of travelers from all over the world for the color of its streets and…

Swimming In The Devil’s Pool Victoria Fall


Its name will make some people tremble, others will get excited, but whatever the case, it will not leave anyone indifferent! An indescribable experience at the top of the highest waterfalls in the world, does that tempt you? If you’re…

Visit Mount Sinai: The Complete Guide 2023


Located near the town of St. Catherine on the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, Mount Sinai is known by many different names: Har Sinai, Mount Moses, Mount Horeb, Jabal Musa… these are just a few of the nicknames given to the mountain…

Travel to Marrakesh, To Meet a City Of Legend


Marrakesh is one of the destinations that make travelers dream… even if its old lovers swear they no longer recognize their “Pearl of the South”. This city does not leave anyone indifferent, but you have to know how to approach…