

An adventurer at heart that loves anything outdoors. Beaches, mountains and amazing scenery is everything I love about travel! I also enjoy home comforts and need a nice place to relax and re-charge after every trip.

Trojena: a Futuristic Ski Resort With a Vertical Village


The Crown Prince launches “Trojena“, the latest ambitious project linked to the megalopolis of Neom which leaves architects perplexed. The crown prince of the kingdom wants a new city in the desert. A futuristic, high-tech, and innovative place, where everything…

Best 10 Dream Places in Zanzibar


Zanzibar… This destination makes us all dream. Between its beautiful landscapes, cultural mix, and magnificent beaches, this small island on the east coast of Africa is an actual corner of paradise. You will love its unique and authentic atmosphere, where…

13 Destinations For an Unusual Honeymoon

honeymoon destinations

That’s it, you’ve said: “I do”! No more stressing about finding the perfect dress or organizing the perfect wedding to make it the most beautiful day of your life. You can finally take a breath!It’s time for you, newlyweds, to…

Discover 7 Best Things to Do and See in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

ashgabat Independence Square

Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, is a city rich in history, culture, and modern amenities. This city is a unique blend of ancient heritage and contemporary architecture. With its stunning buildings and monuments, bustling bazaar, and breathtaking views, Ashgabat is…

Visit Lake Como italy: 7 Most Beautiful Spots!

lake como italy

Lake Como italy is a majestic area lined with sublime picturesque villages.An emblematic basin of the Lombardy region in Italy.Located about 40 kilometers north of Milan, it is a very popular place for vacationers who come in large numbers to…

Visiting Madrid: 8 Best Things To See and Do


The capital of Spain, Madrid is located in the heart of the country. Along with Barcelona and Seville, it is a major tourist destination and attracts many tourists every year! Heart of Atletico Madrid and inspiration for Picasso’s painting Guernica,…

Travel to Turkmenistan: Top 8 Things to Do and See


Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan? Why choose, Ready Four Travel discover the two countries with rich history during a brand new tour of Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan. On the occasion of the launch of this new trip, we would like to make you…