8 Tips For a Zen Vacation

zen vacation

No doubt about it, you’re looking forward to this vacation. But you are so stressed out by the preparations, the program on the spot, and/or the files you left waiting at work, that you come back even more stressed! With everything we’ve been through, we deserve to have a Zen vacation. Don’t know how to do it? Here are 8 little tips from the editors on how not to get caught up in the details, how to enjoy the moment and how to recharge your batteries.

1- Don’t plan the whole program before you leave

plan your trip

If you are staying in an unfamiliar place, plan one activity per day, not more. Allow yourself to be carried away by your desires and those of your loved ones. To enjoy, you must give your mind time to wander.

Do you want to stay on the beach all day without finally visiting the tourist places you talked about? That’s okay! Relax and listen to yourself, you have to know how to enjoy the moment.

2- Get organized beforehand

Have the car checked, take your plane or train tickets… You need to have your transportation to your vacation destination ready at least one week before departure.

For luggage, the best way not to forget anything is to make lists! Don’t forget to do your laundry regularly. This will allow you to bring all your favorite clothes. On the last day, you will only have to put your toiletries in the suitcase.

3- Do a complete digital detox

Without realizing it, we have an annoying habit of constantly checking our email, scrolling through our Instagram feed, and checking our Facebook notifications. Do you want to have a zen vacation? Don’t bring any computers or tablets. Check your phone once in the morning and once at night, no more!

And if you touch it during the day, only to take a picture or a video! Play the game and give your brain a rest. The effect is guaranteed after the first day only.

4- Leave work at home

We know it can be difficult, especially if you’re a business owner for example. Whatever, you absolutely must disconnect mentally to have a zen vacation and come back more fit than ever. Close all your files, put an announcement on your answering machine, and redirect your emails. You must not be disturbed under any circumstances, except for emergencies of course.

5- Eat seasonal products

zen travel

Take advantage of this opportunity to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables! Especially if the region where you spend your vacations is very sunny. Melon, watermelon, tomatoes, apricots, nectarines… There is no limit! Try to eat a balanced diet during the week and treat yourself when you go to a restaurant, especially by tasting regional dishes.

6- Allow yourself to sleep in

Do you normally wake up at the crack of dawn to be on time for work? For a zen vacation, forget the alarm clock! If you can, don’t plan any early morning activities. Or only once in a while.

Allow yourself to stay up late and stay up late. To be at your best, we recommend a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.

7- Calculate your budget and withdraw cash

Another source of stress: money! Before leaving, calculate your global budget. Once you are there, avoid paying with your credit card. You know what they say, it’s hard to keep track. Instead, withdraw cash regularly.

You don’t need to carry large sums of money, but you can control your budget more easily. Also, don’t hesitate to write down your expenses on a piece of paper to better visualize the whole thing. But above all, don’t forget to treat yourself, it’s the vacation!

8- Do an activity alone

bike in vacation

Walk, bike, jog or even meditate. If you can, try to give yourself 15 to 20 minutes every day completely alone. You need this time to recharge your batteries, let your mind wander, and answer your deepest questions.

It’s about refocusing on yourself. And why not meditate in mindfulness. There are no rules, it’s just about listening to yourself and taking stock of yourself. As the days go by, you will feel calmer, at peace with yourself, and therefore more relaxed.

The last and most important piece of advice:
enjoy every moment! Leave your problems behind, or at least try to. Take the time to remake the world while enjoying a cold beer or a non-alcoholic cocktail on the terrace. Bask in the sunshine. Go to the carnival and have a gelato or churro… Do things you just don’t have time to do normally!

Also Read: The Best Seaside Resorts For Family Vacations in France

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