7 Best Things To Do In Brazil

7 Best Things To Do In Brazil

Brazil is one of the favorite destinations for tourists. In the past, it was one of the most socially challenged countries. Today, it is experiencing a real renaissance. The old neighborhoods to avoid have become peaceful places. In addition, the country is moving to the forefront of the international scene. If you are tempted by a stay in this country, there 7 best things to do in Brazil and see!

1- Corcovado


It is known for housing the magnificent statue of Christ the Redeemer. The latter was made by a Frenchman and has great importance in the city of Rio. Every year, many tourists go there to admire this work of art. At 38 meters high, Christ the Redeemer is undoubtedly one of the largest and most visited statues in the world.

You have the opportunity to climb this mountain to enjoy the panoramic view that it offers you in the capital of Brazil. You can take pictures or simply enjoy the silence. On the way down, you will notice a modest chapel where many weddings and baptisms have been celebrated.

2- Visit The National Park Of Lençois Maranhendes

Patriiick, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you are in Brazil, it would be a shame not to enjoy the view that this park offers. This park is composed only of a vast expanse of white sand that stretches for about 70 km.

The specificity of this place lies in the magnificent landscape that it offers. Indeed, at certain times of the year, we witness the formation of many freshwater lakes in the hollow of the dunes. This phenomenon causes the birth of a view worthy of a painting. In addition, you can swim in these clear waters.

3- Iguaçù Falls

Iguaçù Falls

They are made up of nearly 275 waterfalls stretching over 2 or 3 km. The number of waterfalls composing it allows it to pour millions of liters of water per second. They are among the most impressive and beautiful sites in the world. To allow you to get as close as possible to this landscape, wooden walkways have been designed.

During the visit, a guide will accompany you to better introduce you to the area and to ensure your safety. Photographs of these falls will allow you to keep the memory and share it with your loved ones. For your information, if you are an ecosystem enthusiast, these waters are home to many rare animal and plant species.

4- Amazonia


This magnificent plain abounds in a great diversity of fauna and flora. If you like adventure, go on an expedition to this unique area. During your exploration, you will be able to meet several types of animals. You will have the opportunity to discover the red macaw. The red macaw has a beautiful red coat and some yellow and blue feathers.

It lives high in the trees and is without a doubt, the noisiest bird in existence. The blue dendrobatid is also one of the species you are likely to meet. However, during your expedition, it is wise to go with a native who can serve as a guide. He will be able to inform you about the species that it would be better not to approach too closely.

5- Stroll In The City Of Salvador De Bahia

Salvador De Bahia

This city represents the cultural cradle of Brazil. Essentially composed of the black population, it is very marked by the African traditions. It is very famous for its gastronomy, its very colorful and attractive houses. In this city, many tourists come from all over the world to participate in the carnival and to make friends.

You can also opt for a calmer activity by strolling through its streets. This way, you will be able to admire the authentic structure of the houses that date back to the colonial era.

6- Bay Of Rio De Janeiro

Bay Of Rio De Janeiro
Photo credit: Bookingpedia Agency

It is composed of a rock whose shape is original. In the shape of a sugar loaf, it offers you a breathtaking view of the city. This last one is as beautiful and as impressive as a sunset. Very few places allow you to admire Rio de Janeiro from this angle. From here, the skyscrapers are highlighted by graceful hills and beaches surrounded by azure waters.

The cable car route alone is a wonder. If you are one of the more intrepid, you can reach the summit by trekking. If you are a sportsman, climb the walls taking occasional breaks to enjoy the view.

7- Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo

This city easily rivals the madness of New York. It has more than thirty thousand restaurants where you can discover Brazilian gastronomy. Also, the clubs that make up the city are packed every night. You can enjoy yourself by moving around the dance floor all night long.

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