10 Beautiful Places in Paris that Will Take Your Breath Away

10 Beautiful Places in Paris that Will Take Your Breath Away

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it’s also one of the most visited places by tourists around the globe every year. There are so many things to do and see in Paris that it’s easy to lose track of where you are if you don’t stop and look up every once in a while. Here are ten beautiful places in Paris that will take your breath away, no matter how many times you visit this wonderful city.

1 – The Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower
Photo credit: Terrazzo

Just about everyone knows about it and just about everyone has seen it. It is an iconic symbol of France, not to mention a perfect setting for numerous Instagram photos. Visitors to Paris don’t even have to look far from their hotel rooms to see one of its most famous sites, as some Eiffel Tower replicas can be found within blocks of well-known hotels like Hotel de Crillon. While visitors may be tempted by several different views of the tower itself, they shouldn’t miss out on some other things around town. 

2 – The Musee d’Orsay

The Musee d'Orsay
Photo credit: Chacun chacune beauc

The Musee d’Orsay is arguably one of the most beautiful museums in all of Paris. While located within a former train station, its collection contains some of the best art and antiques from around Europe and America. If you only have time to visit one museum while visiting France, make it The Musee d’Orsay. While many people know about the Louvre Museum—another popular tourist destination—not many think to visit The Musee d’Orsay as well.

If you’re planning on visiting just one museum while in Paris, definitely choose The Musee d’Orsay over any other location! Visitors love how stunning each painting is; how peaceful and calming it feels walking through; and how each piece tells a story.

This makes for an incredible experience for anyone interested in history or art, making it worth every penny spent to attend. There’s no better way to spend your day than by touring through The Musee d’Orsay!

3 – Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame de Paris
Photo credit: Teresa Grau Ros

Notre Dame is one of Paris’ most famous landmarks and it should be at or near the top of your list of places to visit. The original structure was built on Roman ruins dating back to 250 A.D. and has served as a church since the 6th century, even though France’s revolution period. This majestic place of worship is more than 1,000 years old and features stunning stained glass windows and a prized organ.

For our purposes, we highly recommend checking out Notre Dame at night; not only will you see it beautifully lit up, but you’ll also have no problem finding your way around because most visitors will be heading home or inside by then. Plus, nighttime is when photo ops are best!

4 – Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde
Photo credit: Angelo Barthot

The Place de la Concorde is one of Paris’s largest public squares, but you can’t eat there. The famous Fountain of Four Rivers by Jacques-Ange Gabriel stands at its center. It was commissioned by Louis XV for a tapestry exhibition to mark his visit to France. The king died before he could see it completed and it wasn’t finished until 1763 when Louis XVI invited all of Europe to France. It was designed by Gabriel, with help from Ange-Jacques Gabriel and Claude Dupuy, who added sculptures representing each major French river.

5 – Montmartre

Photo credit: Contemna’s Dark Room

With its signature windmills and breathtaking views of Paris, Montmartre is one of the most iconic places to visit in Paris. Also home to many artists’ studios, it offers a glimpse into their creative process, which makes it a great place for art lovers. Explore on foot or take a horse-drawn carriage ride through some of its streets, including La Rue Lepic. While you’re there, be sure to take advantage of Montmartre’s beautiful fountains and stop by Le Sacré-Cœur Basilica – and awe-inspiring neo-gothic church with spectacular views of both City Hall and the Basilica itself from atop its bell tower.

6 – Sacre Coeur Basilica

Sacre Coeur Basilica
Photo credit: Pedro Szekely

The Sacre Coeur Basilica is a Roman Catholic church located on top of Mount Royal. It was built between 1876 and 1914 and became an important spiritual place for many Christians as well as a center for political activism during World War II. The views from atop Mount Royal are phenomenal, you will be able to see all of downtown Paris. There is also a café and gift shop where you can take time to enjoy refreshments after your climb. This iconic church should be at least one stop on any trip to Paris if not at the top of your list!

7 – Palais Garnier Opera House

Palais Garnier Opera House
Photo credit: Tom Tullis

Built between 1861 and 1875, Palais Garnier is one of Paris’s most beautiful theaters. When you go inside, it’s hard to believe that everything you see—the gold leaf, gilded carvings, hand-painted frescoes—was all completed within just twenty years. Despite its ornate exterior and lavish interiors, for most of its life, Palais Garnier has been best known as home to The Phantom of the Opera. If you’re a fan of either Alexandre Dumas’ novel or Andrew Lloyd Webber’s iconic musical (or both), you can take a backstage tour where they recreate some special memories from both mediums.

8 – Luxembourg Garden 

Luxembourg Garden 
Photo credit: Alex Kara

You may not guess it by its elegant appearance, but Jardin du Luxembourg is a large public park. It’s located on both sides of the river Seine and offers beautiful views of Notre Dame de Paris. One of its most charming features is a statue of a child reading while perched atop a turtle. The garden has been around since 1612 and was created for Marie de Medici. You might also see locals practicing Tai Chi here or simply taking walks to enjoy fresh air on sunny days. Be sure to check out Victor Hugo’s tomb as well! He was an important French writer who penned Les Miserables and other books you may have read in high school English class.

9 – Tuileries Garden

Tuileries Garden
Photo credit: J Dumonceaux

The Tuileries Garden, a French public garden located between Place de la Concorde and Place de la Madeleine, is one of the most beautiful parks in Paris. The garden features fountains and statues spread over 1.8 hectares. It is perfect for romantic strolls through its green paths or enjoying an afternoon with friends under its large chestnut trees. Located in central Paris, on Rue de Rivoli between Place des Pyramides and Place Vendôme, you can easily reach it by taking Métro Line 1 to Tuileries. This garden is maintained by the Office National des Forêts (ONF) as well as the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. So come visit Jardin des Tuileries Garden!

10 – Champs Elysees

Champs Elysees
Photo credit: Alex

Champs Elysees is a famous avenue located in Paris, France. The name of Champs Elysees translates as Elysian Fields. It is said to be so beautiful because of its trees and greenery. This area is known for its broad sidewalks, horse-drawn carriages, high-end luxury shops, cafes, restaurants, and theaters. Some of the main attractions here are Arc de Triomphe and Petit Palais.

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